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<pre>Current routing protocol mainly uses single path dispersion of network traffic, as though</pre>
<pre>there is ECMP in OSPF, the traffic is devided equally to multiple paths. This is not to</pre>
<pre>the actual state of pathes exist in network because we can't expect the status is always</pre>
<pre>the same as original we compute the path. I think this is esp. true in current high speed network.</pre>
<pre>I want to known if there has been some work done with routing path decision and network blocking probality?</pre>
<pre>Or, is there any paper with relationship between network blocking and routing ?</pre>
<pre>Each word will be highly appreciated.</pre>
<pre>Thank you.</pre>
Jing Shen
* The SunShine of life is made up of very little beams which is *
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