Hi everybody,<BR>
I am new baby of our networking family.<BR>
I'm Gangadhara reddy doing M.Tech at National Institute of Technology,Calicut.( NDIA.) I am doing my one year M.Tech project in the area of internet measurement tools area. <BR>
now i have 3 options.<BR>
1. developing a new tool to measure any quatity (like <BR>
capacity,TCP throughput..etc.,)<BR>
2.using existing tool, developing any application(eg: auto<BR>
tuning of TCP buffer size depending on the Available <BR>
bandwidth of the end-end ptah to increase the throughput <BR>
of TCP conection.)<BR>
3. modification of existing tool by relaxing it's <BR>
assumptions. <BR>
so what way it will be good for me. and pls . give me some of the potential problems which i can take it as a project.<BR>
waiting for u r suggestions......<BR>
yours sincerely,<BR>
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