On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 rick jones wrote :<BR>
>>>If both side don't send packets for a long time while connection is open, is there a default time out to abort the connection?<BR>
When TCP has not received a segment for more than one retransmission timeout(ie the idle time), cwnd is reduced to the value of the restart window (RW) before. RW = min(IW, cwnd) . IW, the initial value of cwnd, MUST be less than or equal to 2*SMSS bytes and MUST NOT be more than 2 segments. <BR>
Refer "rfc-2581" <BR>
Sampad Mishra,<BR>
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.<BR>
>>draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-uto-02.txt talks about this.<BR>
>perhaps I read it too quickly, but it seems to be talking more about timeouts for when there is data outstanding rather than when the connection is idle. i also missed if it would abort or close the connection.<BR>
>presumably, there would be a way to retrieve the user timeout setting for a connection - doesn't that make this option usable as a covert channel?<BR>
>WRT the original question, IIRC there is nothing in the TCP spec that specifies a timeout for an idle connection.<BR>
>rick jones<BR>
>Wisdom teeth are impacted, people are affected by the effects of events<BR>
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