On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 shaohe wrote :<BR>
><p> Could some one please give me some advice about handling the tcp dump files? I'm working on an analysis of the network traffic. However, under the Windows environment, I can not find any useful tool to visualize or handle the dump files conveniently.<p> <BR>
Have you tried ethereal(multi platform protocol analyzer) for windows....<BR>
sampad mishra.<BR>
Tcptrace i known is a common tool to analyze network traffic and take as input dump files. Unfortunately, it is seem that what tcptrace does is very different from what i want.<p> <p> Could somebody help me ,the information related to the follow topic are valuable for me:<p> <p> first, how can i to display the dump file in an understandable style, or to transform the binary format of original dump file to a more friend format, such as the text format etc. (note: under Windows OS)<p><p> second, the output format of dump file still confused me. Do all records in the files have the same size in bytes? if so, what is the number of bytes? <p> In addition, I want to read a record each time, but how to ju!<BR>
> dge the end of a record if the lengths of records of different protocols (e.g. tcp, udp) are variable ? <p> <p> Thanks very much !!<p> Shaohe lv <p> Mar. 02 2006<BR>
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