[e2e] Re: crippled Internet

Cannara cannara at attglobal.net
Wed Apr 25 20:20:09 PDT 2001

Well, Randy, if my offer of a SLAC contact is "24 days too late to mention",
then why are you interested in what I think about VoIP?  {:o]


Randy Bush wrote:
> > Randy, you might contact the folks at SLAC (Stanford) who do this sort of
> > thing -- I'll give an email address privately to anyone.
> if you mean their ping stuff, you're 24 days too late to mention it.
> the ripe test traffic work, which is solidly based) on the ippm work (and
> cross-verified with the ans implementation, shows plots like those i just
> stashed in <http://psg.com/~randy/tt.html>, one 'good' and one 'bad'.
> please explain how we might judge whether the these are sufficient for say
> voip.
> randy

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