[e2e] Question on assumption of congestion control algorithm

Zhang Miao zm at csnet1.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn
Fri Apr 27 19:39:58 PDT 2001

Hi, all
      I have a question on the assumption of congestion control algorithm. In
Jocobson's "Congestion Avoidance and Control"(1988), he models the network between
two end systems as a pipe. After that, most research on this area uses this model
as a basic assumption. This assumption requires that the path between the two ends
is relatively stable. Well, in today's Internet, routing protocol also has a big
impact on the behavior of the network. The routes in a router always change with
time. To some extend, the route flap breaks the "pipe" model above. But I am not
sure whether the routing behavior has much impact on the efficiency of congeston
control algorithm. 
      Is there any research related to this topic?
      Thanks a lot!

*    Zhang Miao                                                 *
*    Ph.D candidate,Department of Computer Science & Technology * 
*    Tsinghua University,Beijing,China(100084)                  *
*    Tel: (8610)-62785822                                       *
*    Email: zm at csnet1.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn                        *
*    Web: http://netlab.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/~zm (domestic only ) *

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