[e2e] a new paper on Adaptive RED

Atiquzzaman, Mohammed atiq at ou.edu
Fri Aug 3 14:01:29 PDT 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Saverio Mascolo [mailto:mascolo at poliba.it]
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 10:23 AM
> To: Ramakrishna Gummadi; end2end-interest at postel.org
> Subject: Re: [e2e] a new paper on Adaptive RED
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ramakrishna Gummadi" <ramki at aciri.org>
> To: "Saverio Mascolo" <mascolo at poliba.it>
> Cc: "Sally Floyd" <floyd at aciri.org>
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 5:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [e2e] a new paper on Adaptive RED
> >
> > 1) As long as end users are assumed to be behaving 
> correctly (which is
> > what the original RED and adaptive RED assume), random dropping can
> guarantee
> > fairness. Under this assumption, adaptive RED is no more or 
> no less fair
> > than RED. That is why we say---"We do not discuss the 
> fairness behavior of
> > Adaptive RED, since this is quite similar to the fairness 
> behavior of
> > RED."
> Actually what I have found is that RED/Gentle RED do not 
> improve fairness in
> a significant way but they reduce the throughput over high 
> speed links ( 100
> Mbps link).
> In my opinion, main reason because RED does not work is that 
> queue average
> introduces delay for which the discard is no more early as it 
> should be.

We have observed a similar effect. To solve the problem we came up with a
new algorithm which exponentially reduces the average queue length if the
instantaneous queue length has been low for a certain amount of time. The
technical report is available at

Mohammed Atiquzzaman           Tel:   (405) 325 8077
School of Computer Science     Fax:   (520) 962 8422, 
University of Oklahoma                (405) 325 4044
200 Felgar St., Room EL-163    Email: atiq at ou.edu
Norman, OK 73019-6151                 atiq at ieee.org

> Using a simple constant  dropping rate, related to instantaneous queue
> level, makes things much more easy and  effective.
> Thanks,
> Saverio

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