[e2e] How to increase the flow's rate reliably???

David G. Andersen dga at lcs.mit.edu
Sun Aug 19 13:43:25 PDT 2001

Jeevandra just mooed:

> I am a research student trying to develop a rate-based transport =
> protocol primarily catered for streaming video on the internet. At the =
> [...]

> However, I've found in my simulations that such a mechanism could induce =
> severe oscillation in the rate particularly when used with rate-halving =
> multiplicative decrease. This is mostly obvious when a huge PacketSize =
> [...]
> I was hoping if anybody could share a light on this and advise me on a =
> more suitable rate increase technique, particularly for streaming. Has =
> [...]

  You want to look at two pieces of research to start out with:

a)  Slowly Responsive Congestion Control Algorithms (Bansal,
    Balakrishnan, Floyd, and Shenker, Sigcomm 2001).


    They examine a generalized class of TCP-friendly congestion
    control algorithms where a less agressive increase/decrease
    mechanism smooths out the wild oscillations that standard
    AIMD gets you.  Parts of this have been implemented in
    the Congestion Manager framework, and since it's a relatively
    simple digression from standard TCP, it should be reasonably
    implementable within other frameworks.

b)  Equation-based congestion control (Floyd et al.)


    Part of the goal of TFRC is to increase the stability of
    transfers.  I don't know of an actual implementation of this, 
    but I could well be out of date.  TFRC is more on the experimental
    side of things, and an implementation would likely be more difficult
    beause it diverges further from TCP's mechanisms.


work: dga at lcs.mit.edu                          me:  dga at pobox.com
      MIT Laboratory for Computer Science           http://www.angio.net/

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