[e2e] congestion query

Anuraag Sharma anuraag.sharma at wipro.com
Sun Dec 23 21:29:58 PST 2001

i already had a look at it. it  had been helpful
what i am looking for is a doc which compares FBA and RED
for TCP over ATM satellite networks.
please suggest me if u know of something except the mentioned document.

Anuraag Sharma
Olivier Bonaventure wrote:

> Anuraag,
> > I have to do congestion management for TCP over ATM
> > FBA and RED operate at the cells.
> > i dont have access to cells. i will be dealing with frames.
> > this means one problem less,
> > when i drop a frame, i dont have to look for all cells for that frame.
> > ATM goes over the satellite.
> > i want to know which one of FBA and RED will be more suitable.
> You might have a look at the following article :
> A RED discard strategy for ATM networks and its performance evaluation with TCP/IP traffic, V. Rosolen, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
> published in ACM Computer Communication Review, July 1999
> and available as http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/ccr/archive/1999/jul99/ccr-9907-leduc.html
> Best regards,
> Olivier Bonaventure
> --
> http://www.infonet.fundp.ac.be

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