[e2e] Re: setting RED parameters to compare with ECN

Shivkumar Kalyanaraman shivkuma at ecse.rpi.edu
Fri Feb 2 04:25:52 PST 2001

There is a new gentle_RED variant around for a while which does not do

Shivkumar Kalyanaraman   
Asst. Professor, Dept of ECSE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Saverio Mascolo wrote:

> Hi all,
> in the paper "TCP and explicit congestion notification" by S. Floyd is
> written:
> " In our simulation with RED gateways, the minimum threshold for the average
> queue size is set to 1/12-th of the buffer size, and the maximum threshold
> is set to three times the minimum threshold. The RED gateways drop all
> arriving packets when the average queue size exceeds the maximum threshold"
> I think that RED should drop all arriving packets only when the average
> queue size exceeds the maximum buffer size, i.e. never. In other words the
> dropping probability should be one only when the queue is full (drop tail
> behavior). Why should we enforce 100% dropping if the queue is not full?
> -Saverio

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