[e2e] [Fwd: RED-->ECN]

Michael B Greenwald mbgreen at dsl.cis.upenn.edu
Fri Feb 2 10:37:58 PST 2001

   02 Feb 2001 10:17:33 -0800
   Isidro Castineyra <isidro at pluris.com>

   Michael B Greenwald <mbgreen at dsl.cis.upenn.edu> writes:
   > If the max input rate is lower than the *constant* output rate, then I
   > can't produce any queue size at all (because whenever a packet
   > arrives, the previous packet was already drained from the queue), so
   > it is uninteresting.  
   This would be true if the time between packet arrivals was constant.
   When the inter-arrival time is variable (or the size of the packets is
   variable, or both), a queue will form even if the average input rate
   is lower than the average output rate
Sigh.  Note that I said *max* input rate, not avg.  This bounds the
smallest allowable inter-arrival time.

This whole subject is both a minor point about an artificial example; I'm
glad to continue discussing it, but no need to clutter up e2e.  If other
people want to talk to me about this, or correct me, or whatever, remove
e2e/ecn.  Thanks.

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