R: R: [e2e] [Fwd: RED-->ECN]

Panos GEVROS P.Gevros at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Feb 6 12:03:13 PST 2001

Saverio Mascolo writes:
 |I have no reasons to believe that results reported in the paper below are
 |not correct.
 |Robust tuning of RED parameter is of course a great issue.
 |Regarding Random Early Discard my question is: since the goal is to produce
 |an early congestion indication through early dropping, why should we relate
 |dropping to average queue instead of instantaneous queue?

because we want occasional bursts to be able to pass through unharmed- this is 
important given the nature of data traffic- and in any case sporadic bursts 
and congestion are different things,

 |Average introduces delay and this is against the goal of having early
 |congestion indication.

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