UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]
Simon Leinen
simon at limmat.switch.ch
Thu Mar 1 07:09:42 PST 2001
>>>>> "tf" == Ted Faber <faber at ISI.EDU> writes:
>> [...]
>> TCP 532400385076 95.81 %
>> UDP 21201575665 3.82 %
> Bytes or packets? Does the other unit support your conclusion, too?
Those were bytes. Here's a summary from the same transatlantic links
(Eastbound direction only) which counts flows and packets too (new
version of script appended):
GRE 7071 ( 0.01 %) 268698 ( 0.02 %) 213346212 ( 0.04 %)
ICMP 3473563 ( 6.09 %) 10420689 ( 0.94 %) 1083751656 ( 0.20 %)
IGMP 4 ( 0.00 %) 8 ( 0.00 %) 7264 ( 0.00 %)
IP 11604 ( 0.02 %) 3724884 ( 0.34 %) 763601220 ( 0.14 %)
IPINIP 4716 ( 0.01 %) 14148 ( 0.00 %) 2589084 ( 0.00 %)
TCP 35155287 (61.62 %) 942530269 (85.00 %) 532400385076 (95.81 %)
UDP 18399711 (32.25 %) 151843881 (13.69 %) 21201575665 ( 3.82 %)
So in terms of number of flows and packets, this particular
transatlantic link does indeed have a higher share of UDP than what
the 1998 "beast" paper observed. Wether this is a general trend, or
just due to different usage patterns between our link and the links
observed by CAIDA, I don't know. Actually I'd be glad if people could
run the script on other routers which aggregate large numbers of users
(especially non-academic users) and tell me whether the results are
wildly different or wildly similar.
For a comparison, here are the totals from an access router at a
random university:
GRE 383 ( 0.00 %) 17235 ( 0.00 %) 3602115 ( 0.00 %)
ICMP 101931237 ( 1.75 %) 305793711 ( 0.45 %) 37918420164 ( 0.11 %)
IGMP 34662 ( 0.00 %) 901212 ( 0.00 %) 58578780 ( 0.00 %)
IP 1406788 ( 0.02 %) 15474668 ( 0.02 %) 3528224304 ( 0.01 %)
IPINIP 1297 ( 0.00 %) 1297 ( 0.00 %) 583650 ( 0.00 %)
TCP 4361852662 (74.91 %) 63919315234 (93.39 %) 32455859980970 (96.82 %)
UDP 1357265629 (23.31 %) 4201556174 ( 6.14 %) 1025284993546 ( 3.06 %)
This matches the CAIDA values much better. Maybe the transatlantic
figures are biased because we run authoritative name servers for some
ccTLDs - those can be expected to generate lots and lots of
single-packet UDP port 53 flows.
Note also that the "flow" concept used in the CAIDA work isn't exactly
the same as Cisco NetFlow's, although the numbers may still be
comparable. In case someone wants to know, we use the default flow
timeout values (30 minutes maximum lifetime or 1 minute(??) maximum
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
my (%tb,%tp,%tf); my ($tb,$tp,$tf) = (0,0,0);
while (<>) {
my ($proto,$f,$fps,$ppf,$bbp) = split;
next unless defined $bbp && $proto =~ /^[A-Z]/ && $f =~ /^[0-9]+$/;
$proto =~ s/-.*//;
my $p = $f * $ppf; my $b = $p * $bbp;
$tf{$proto} += $f, $tf += $f,
$tb{$proto} += $b, $tb += $b,
$tp{$proto} += $p, $tp += $p
unless $proto eq 'Total:';
printf "protocol.......flows..............packets...............bytes.........\n";
foreach (sort keys %tb) {
printf "%-7s %8.0f (%5.2f %%) %9.0f (%5.2f %%) %13.0f (%5.2f %%)\n",
$tf{$_}, 100.0 * $tf{$_} / $tf,
$tp{$_}, 100.0 * $tp{$_} / $tp,
$tb{$_}, 100.0 * $tb{$_} / $tb;
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