UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]

Kenjiro Cho kjc at csl.sony.co.jp
Fri Mar 2 10:25:35 PST 2001

Sally Floyd wrote:
> >So the 95% figure for TCP still looks reasonable in 2001, at least for
> >that particular link 
> Many thanks for posting your results.  I have added a pointer to them
> on a web page on "Measurement Studies of End-to-End Congestion Control
> in the Internet", at "http://www.aciri.org/floyd/ccmeasure.html",
> where we are trying to track information from measurement studies about
> how end-to-end congestion control is actually doing in the Internet.

We are maintaining trans-Pacific packet traces along with their
summary info taken from the WIDE project backbone at
(note that addresses are scrambled in tcpdump binary outputs.)

> I would be particularly interested if anyone's measurements ever
> indicated a surge of non-congestion-controlled traffic in the
> Internet...

Our data also confirms that TCP is still more than 90% of the traffic
under normal situations.
But, unfortunately, unusual traffic patterns do happen these days.
For example,


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