UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]

Tristan Henderson T.Henderson at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Mon Mar 5 11:39:22 PST 2001

In message <Pine.GSO.4.21.0103051910310.10370-100000 at regan.ee.surrey.ac.uk>, Ll
oyd Wood said:
>On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Eric A. Hall wrote:
>> But there is a lot of skill involved. There are people with 5ms RTT that
>> can't win no matter what, and there are people with 300ms RTT that win all
>> of the time.
>hacking your copy of the  game for e.g. shooting accuracy has nothing
>to do with it. (apropos: there's a rant on security of multiplayer
>games under
>) Deliberately compensating for lag in the game client in some
>similar way would be interesting.

Apparently the more delay-tolerant RPGs, e.g. Age of Empires and Warcraft, 
already do some compensation - they deliberately delay all interactions so 
that all players have similar delay. Not sure about shoot-em-ups though.


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