UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]

Joe Touch touch at ISI.EDU
Tue Mar 6 11:35:19 PST 2001

Craig Partridge wrote:
> Side note: the BSTJ studies often used the following test procedure:
>     * every time you picked up your phone handset, a delay was randomly
>       chosen from a pool of possible delay times
>     * on the phone was a button that you could press if you were unhappy
>       with the audio quality, and I think you were rewarded by having
>       the delay eliminated
> Something like this might work for gaming (though we'd have to get the
> incentives right -- if pressing the button eliminates the delay, everyone
> will do it all the time)

A variant of that is that when you press the button, the delay goes
but so does the bandwidth. There's your disincentive.


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