UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]

David P. Reed dpreed at reed.com
Thu Mar 8 09:07:53 PST 2001

At 05:55 PM 3/7/01 +0100, Sean Doran wrote:
>It's not going to be cheaper to have an empty network than to have
>one with a bottleneck here and there.

This presumes that customers want the lowest price regardless of 
delay.  Not true.  And in any case, operating a network with queues mostly 
full (which increases utilization) a lot of the time is great strategy if 
you want to maximize profit when you are being paid by the byte (or by the 
portal access rate).

Most applications benefit from low queueing delay, so this isn't about QoS 
differentiations.  Only FTPs with no human in the loop want capacity with 
no delay constraint.

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