[e2e] paper on "Difficulties in Simulating the Internet" now available

Gaurav Raina gr224 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Sat Mar 10 03:37:53 PST 2001

On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Vern Paxson wrote:

> Difficulties in Simulating the Internet
> and judiciously exploring the simulation parameter space.  We finish with a
> brief look at a collaborative effort within the research community to develop
> a common network simulator.

Apologies if I am merely stating the obvious, but along with developing 
simulation tools I think it is *imperative* to try and develop
theoretical tools which might give some rules of thumb on how the results
could scale to a network as large and complex as the Internet. Apart from 
the obvious industries involved in Internet Research - *some* of the 
academic reseach groups are :


An exhaustive list is not possible...

Might it be a good idea to consider having a common database/pool for 
research papers/preprints dealing with the different research topics? Like
the way the physics community has the Los Alamos archive.



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