[e2e] web100

David Clark ddc at lcs.mit.edu
Fri Mar 23 11:40:39 PST 2001

At 12:20 PM -0500 3/23/01, David P. Reed wrote:
>So, I got a press release on web100.org and its TCP improvement software.
>The press will probably get this completely wrong (the slant in the 
>press release is that TCP is *the big problem* and that scarce 
>bandwidth is the reason we can't use 100 MB pipes).
>Has anyone done any studies that would reasonably support the huge 
>investment here?
>- David

     Not sure what you mean by "huge investment". (They just got 
funded at a rate of just under $1M a year, which is not all that much 
these day...)   I think what these folks are doing is trying to 
distribute software that is pre-configured so that it actually goes 
fast, as opposed to what happens today.  Guys like Matt Mathis have 
put a lot of work into understanding the tuning of TCP, and so on, 
and they have a lot of real world knowledge. The problem today is 
that the vendors are not shipping stuff that benefits from that 

     I think that TCP is the problem, but it is the implementation, 
not the design. That is what the press may get wrong.


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