[e2e] typical network syllabus

Michael B Greenwald mbgreen at dsl.cis.upenn.edu
Tue Oct 30 11:03:31 PST 2001

   Tue, 30 Oct 2001 08:19:55 -0800
   "Yavatkar, Raj" <raj.yavatkar at intel.com>

   Jim Kurose has an excellent book and course material ...  I believe you
   do not need a "typical" syllabus; any of the above approaches 
   will work. I highly recommend Kurose's approach -- I used it inside Intel
   (no pun intended!) with great success.
There's a question of curriculum (a series of courses) that's independent
of what one should cover in, and how one should teach, each individual
course.  I hope Craig/SIGCOMM is tackling the question of a larger
networking curriculum.

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