[e2e] Reminder: Live Broadcast of SIGCOMM 2002

Kay Sripanidkulchai kunwadee+ at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Aug 20 20:41:47 PDT 2002

This is a reminder that the technical sessions of the ACM SIGCOMM 2002
conference (http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigcomm/sigcomm2002/adprog.html)
will be broadcast live starting Wednesday morning, August 21, at 9am
EDT, and ending Friday, August 23, at 2:30pm EDT. The first session
will be the opening remarks followed by the keynote talk by Scott
Shenker, this year's SIGCOMM Award winner.

The broadcast is provided by the CMU End System Multicast Research
Project using End System Multicast (ESM).

For instructions on how to tune in, please go the project Website at


To participate, you need a system with the following requirements:

- A machine with Windows 98/NT/ME/2000/XP
- You cannot be behind a firewall or NAT
- You need to have a DSL, Cable Modem, or better connection
- QuickTime client versions 5.0 and up, available at

ESM broadcast is a research system.  We appreciate your participation
and feedback. We are also looking for people to participate in future
ESM broadcasts, such as the CMU SCS Distinguished Lecture series, to
give us feedback.  Please see feedback forms at the project Website to
sign up to be invited for upcoming ESM broadcasts.

The ESM Research Project

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