[e2e] using p2p overlays to overcome recursive NATs/realms

Hans Kruse kruse at ohio.edu
Fri Feb 8 11:54:23 PST 2002

OK, lets not reopen the NAT flame wars....   In your app, however, you are 
running into the original and most prolific NAT customer -- high-end 
home/SOHO users who are stuck with ISPs that provide exactly one IP4 
address.  To my knowledge we do not have a non-NAT solution for these folks 
wanting to use more than one machine behind that ISP.  That is what midcom 
is trying to deal with until we can get enough systems IPv6 reachable to 
have this problem fade into the background.

--On Friday, February 08, 2002 10:38 -0500 "David P. Reed" 
<dpreed at reed.com> wrote:

> Any solution to the NAT problem is good.  Applying a clue-by-4 to the
> boxes themselves, and their vendors, would be the best solution.  That
> ain't gonna happen.

Hans Kruse, Associate Professor
J. Warren McClure School of Communication Systems Management
Ohio University, Athens, OH, 45701
740-593-4891 voice, 740-593-4889 fax

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