[e2e] using p2p overlays to overcome recursive NATs/realms

John Wroclawski jtw at lcs.mit.edu
Mon Feb 11 14:35:59 PST 2002

At 5:24 PM -0500 2/11/02, J. Noel Chiappa wrote:
>     > From: "David P. Reed" <dpreed at reed.com>

>     > ISPs can enable their customers to protect themselves ... Better
>     > tools for provisioning lots of devices in the home
>You didn't answer my point/question. Some of the restrictions that ISP's
>are placing on customers are being done for business reasons, to *make
>more money*. How are better tools going to change that desire?
>	Noel

Not that I disagree with you, but a couple of thoughts are a) better 
tools may provide more _different_ ways for ISP's to make more money, 
and some of them might have fewer unintended/undesirable side 
effects, and b) more tools might make it easier/cheaper for some 
other ISP to compete/exist/be cheaper, thus keeping prices down 
through competition.

This raises the question of what the tools are, and whether we can 
ever get to the point where the tools/economics/regulations support 
each aspect of ISP operations being as competitive as possible rather 
than locking everything into the least competitive part of the chain. 
But it does seem like tools might change the outcome somewhat, if not 
the desire.


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