[e2e] Overly Overlay; Peer to peer is commonplace

Jon Crowcroft Jon.Crowcroft at cl.cam.ac.uk
Wed Jan 2 00:05:57 PST 2002

In message < at mail.reed.com>, "David P. Reed" 
 >>Wireless networks, especially densely scaled mobile wireless networks, do 
 >>not behave like "wires without wires" or "fibers without fibers".  Topology 
 >>is not naturally hierarchical in its interconnection, for example.  So 
 >>"hierarchically derived" topological addresses are just plain wrong.  More 
 >>relevant, though again as naive as GUID-based routing, is geotemporal routing

the similarity of the recent parallel work on
smart, ad hoc, self organised, wireless network routing
smart ad hoc, self organised peer2peer systems, 
has been remarked on a few times...

the applicability of the work of both to the internet's lower level
shortcomings is also reasoanble...

actually, a lot of the constraints are different tho....for example, 
non-reachability of a node in a wireless system and a p2p system is a
_feature_, so is anonymity...

fixed networks dont have these luxuries:-)



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