[e2e] New approach to diffserv...

Panos GEVROS P.Gevros at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Sun Jun 16 11:24:56 PDT 2002

Sean Doran typed :

 |I think an interesting area of research would be in analysing
 |*why* end2end models for various real-world problems have *failed*
 |to achieve the uptake enjoyed by non-end2end ("middle") solutions.
 |No, interesting is too mild a word, given what one could learn about
 |the mistakes (from an end2end-interest perspective) to date.

it should be obvious that the problem lies in the user/provider boundary - the 
provider has little (or no) control over how the user/client uses the resource 
(network connectivity) and little information about how valuable this resource 
is to the client.
since the controls cannot be put on the user machine eventually they  find 
their place in the provider's space.
and the easiest way to deal with this is by doing something with user traffic, 
system identification solutions based on the observation of external behaviour 
(traffic pattern)   i.e inferring legitimate use of the resource according to 
contract or determining the value the customer derives from its connection to 
the network) are compilacated or in some cases impossible.

if there was a method allowing for provider control in what today is the 
client space (machine - network) then middleboxes would be redundant


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