[e2e] CFP: SIGCOMM 2003, Karlsruhe Germany, 25 - 29 August 2003

SIGCOMM 2003 -- James P.G. Sterbenz jpgs at acm.org
Thu Oct 24 04:03:40 PDT 2002

CALL FOR PAPERS (New this Year: a Broader Vision)

ACM SIGCOMM 2003 -- A Data Communication Festival
25 - 29 August 2003
Karlsruhe, Germany

     Submission of full paper: 31 January 2003 (firm)
     Workshop proposals:       10 January 2003 (firm)
     Submission of posters:    tentatively June 2003

We invite papers that are about communications systems, whether imagined,
architected, built, measured, analyzed, or simulated and comprehended.

We have no preferred topics within the broad range of potential topics
from policy and operations through information coding and transmission.
Papers might be a detailed exploration of a well travelled path, or shed
light on the boundary between two or more areas. Papers might present
cross-cutting design principles, report on practice, or prove new properties
for networked systems. Papers on infrastructures or methods that enable new
research are also welcome.  Topics include, but are not limited to:

         Operations                      Resource Management
         Distributed Applications        Security
         Protocols                       Systems
         Transmission                    Network Architecture

We invite full papers that present original, reproducible results (14 pages)
and position papers that present preliminary work rich in implications for
future research (8 pages).  Both types of papers will be presented
and appear in the conference proceedings.  Paper submission guidelines and
guidance on position paper content will posted on the conference web site
the near future.

In addition, SIGCOMM 2003 is open to proposals for panel discussions on
timely and controversial topics.  Panel proposals should include the topic
and motivation for the panel, the names of the panel chair and panelists,
and an outline of the format of the panel discussion.

NEW THIS YEAR: SIGCOMM 2003 will dramatically broaden the vision of the
annual SIGCOMM conference. We seek to expand the intellectual diversity of
the papers, modify the program to be more receptive to new ideas and
community-driven initiatives, and expand the intellectual agenda to include
papers from a broader set of topics and recognize the wider range of
methodologies that constitute data communications research.  More details
are available at http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/SIGCOMM-FUTURE.pdf.

We are also inviting new communities to hold workshops in conjunction with
the SIGCOMM conference and will provide them with the necessary support to
make those workshops a success.  Two of these will be
     Future Directions in Network Architecture
     Education Workshop following on the heels of the successful 2002 event
More details will be available on the Web page soon.

SIGCOMM 2003 will feature tutorials to be announced at a later date.

Papers submitted by students may be considered for a student paper award.
To be eligible, a student or group of students must be primary contributors
to the paper. Such papers should be indicated as such on the paper
submission web page.

SIGCOMM 2003 will begin with a keynote by the 2003 winner of the ACM SIGCOMM
Award for lifetime contributions to the field of computer communication.
Procedures for nominating candidates for the SIGCOMM Award can be obtained
from Karen Sollins <sollins at lcs.mit.edu>.

As in previous years, SIGCOMM 2003 will have a poster session and student
travel grant program. Visit the conference web site for details as they
become available.


General Conference Chairs:
     Anja Feldmann      <anja at in.tum.de> (TU Munich)
     Martina Zitterbart <zit at tm.uka.de>  (University of Karlsruhe)

Program Chairs:
     Jon Crowcroft   <jon.crowcroft at cl.cam.ac.uk> (University of Cambridge)
     David Wetherall <djw at cs.washington.edu>      (University of Washington)

Publicity Chair:
     James P.G. Sterbenz <jpgs at acm.org> (BBN Technologies)

Tutorial Chair:
     Burkhard Stiller <stiller at informatik.unibw-muenchen.de> (UniBw, Munich)

Workshop Chair:
     Craig Partridge  <craig at bbn.com> (BBN Technologies)

Poster Chair:
     Karen Sollins:   <sollins at lcs.mit.edu> (MIT)

     Thomas Fuhrmann  <fuhrmann at tm.uka.de>         (University of Karlsruhe)

Local Organization:
     Steffen Blödt    <bloedt at tm.uka.de>           (University of Karlsruhe)
     Marcus Schöller  <marcus.schoeller at tm.uka.de> (University of Karlsruhe)

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