[e2e] papers on Cooperative Networking (CoopNet) available

Venkat Padmanabhan padmanab at microsoft.com
Fri Sep 20 13:36:47 PDT 2002

I'd like to announce the availability of a couple of papers on the
Cooperative Networking (CoopNet) project at MSR. The project focuses on
the selective application of peer-to-peer networking to complement the
client-server Web. The specific problem we have focused on thus far is
flash crowds, both in the context of (static) Web content and streaming
media content. In the latter case, CoopNet provides robustness in the
face of high client churn rate, by combining the data redundancy
provided by multiple description coding (MDC) with the path redundancy
provided by multiple, diverse application-level multicast trees spanning
the set of active clients.

The abstracts of the papers are appended below. The papers themselves
are available online at

Venkat Padmanabhan
Microsoft Research
padmanab at microsoft.com



The Case for Cooperative Networking
V. N. Padmanabhan and K. Sripanidkulchai
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS), Cambridge, MA, USA
March 2002


In this paper, we make the case for Cooperative Networking (CoopNet)
where end-hosts cooperate to improve network performance perceived by
all. In CoopNet, cooperation among peers complements traditional
client-server communication rather than replacing it. We focus on the
Web flash crowd problem and argue that CoopNet offers an effective
solution. We present an evaluation of the CoopNet approach using
simulations driven by traffic traces gathered at the MSNBC website
during the flash crowd that occurred on September 11, 2001.



Distributing Streaming Media Content Using Cooperative Networking
V. N. Padmanabhan, H. J. Wang, P. A. Chou, and K. Sripanidkulchai
May 2002


In this paper, we discuss the problem of distributing streaming media
content, both live and on-demand, to a large number of hosts in a
scalable way. Our work is set in the context of the traditional
client-server framework. Specifically, we consider the problem that
arises when the server is overwhelmed by the volume of requests from its
clients. As a solution, we propose {\em Cooperative Networking
(CoopNet)}, where clients cooperate to distribute content, thereby
alleviating the load on the server. We discuss the proposed solution in
some detail, pointing out the interesting research issues that arise,
and present a preliminary evaluation using traces gathered at a busy
news site during the flash crowd that occurred on September 11, 2001.


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