[e2e] CFP: 2003 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Networks - Sydney, Australia
Tim Moors
t.moors at unsw.edu.au
Mon Mar 3 13:28:59 PST 2003
ICON 2003: The 11th IEEE International Conference on Networks
September 28 - October 1, 2003 Sydney, NSW, Australia
http://www.ee.unsw.edu.au/~icon/ and www.icon2003.com
Full papers and tutorial proposals due: March 21, 2003
Notification of acceptance: May 16, 2003
Final version of papers due: July 4, 2003
Final overheads & handouts for tutorials due: August 15, 2003
The 11th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2003) will be
held in Sydney, Australia. ICON 2003 will provide a forum to discuss
recent innovations in computer networks and communications. The
conference will consist of two days of tutorials followed by two days of
technical presentations. A wireless networking workshop will also
precede ICON, with an emphasis on works in progress.
Contributions describing original research, surveys and applications are
solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the
following areas:
Ad hoc & sensor networks
Addressing & location management
Approaches for mobility & intermittent connectivity
Bluetooth, 802.11, 802.15
Content distribution & web caching
Label switching protocols
Layer interaction for mobile/wireless systems
Location-dependent applications
Low power & energy-efficient designs
Media access techniques
Multimedia & voice over the Internet
Network characteristics of interactive online games
Network diagnostics & troubleshooting
Network support in operating systems
Novel distributed applications
Operational network measurements & experiences
Optical & photonic networks
Overlay networks
Peer-to-peer networking
Pervasive computing
Pricing & billing
Privacy, security, vulnerabilities & defences
Programmable/active network architectures
Quality of Service
Routing & switching algorithms
Satellite communications
Scheduling & resource management
Service discovery mechanisms
Service enabling technologies
Storage Area Networks
Testbeds, simulation & modeling techniques
Transport protocols
Wireless community networks
Wireless LANs
Wireless, mobile & pervasive networking
Conference Chair:
Nigel Moreton (Cisco, Australia)
Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Bjorn Landfeldt (University of Sydney, Australia) &
Tim Moors (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Workshop Chair:
Mahbub Hassan (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Finance Chair:
Aruna Seneviratne (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Tutorial Chair:
Sanjay Jha (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Local Arrangements Chair:
Doan Hoang (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Publicity & Sponsorship Chair:
Albert Zomaya (University of Sydney, Australia)
Publication Chair:
Abbas Jamalipour (University of Sydney, Australia)
Iram Mahboob (University of New South Wales, Australia)
(+ denotes Australia)
Albert Kuendig, ETH, Switzerland
Andreas Mauthe, Lancaster U., UK
Andrew Campbell, Columbia U., USA
Arkady Zaslavsky, Monash U. +
Azzedine Boukerche, U. North Texas, USA
Bing Zheng, New Focus Inc., USA
Christophe Diot, Sprint, USA
David Everitt, U. of Sydney+
Eiji Oki, NTT, Japan
Eric Horlait, LIP6, France
Farzad Safaei, U. of Wollongong+
Francis Lee, Nanyang U., Singapore
Grenville Armitage, Swinburne U.+
Guven Mercankosk, UWA+
Harsha Sirisena, U. of Canterbury, NZ
H. T. Kung, Harvard U., USA
Hung-Keng Pung, NUS, Singapore
Ian Graham, U. of Waikato, New Zealand
Jadwiga Indulska, U. of Queensland+
Jianping Wu, Tsinghua U., China
Jim Lambert, Swinburne U.+
John Arnold, ADFA+
John Asenstorfer, DSTO+
Ken Calvert, U. of Kentucky, USA
Krzys Pawlikowski, U. of Canterbury, NZ
Lang White, U. of Adelaide+
Laurent Dairaine, ENSICA, France
Lawrence Wong, NUS, Singapore
Lee Yee Lau, Singapore Polytechnic
Lek Heng Ngoh, LIT, Singapore
Liou Koujuch, ICR, Singapore
Magda El Zarki, U. California, USA
Moshe Zukerman, Melbourne U.+
Per Gunningberg, Uppsala U., Sweden
Peter Steenkiste, CMU, USA
Raj Jain, Nayna Networks, USA
Reg Coutts, U. of Adelaide+
Richard Harris, RMIT+
Ron Addie, U. Southern Queensland+
Satish Tripathi , U. California, USA
Serge Fdida, U. P&M Curie, France
Shiduan Cheng, Beijing U. of P&T, China
Steven Low, Cal. Tech., USA
Sujate Jantarang, Mahanakorn U. of Technology, Thailand
Tadeusz Wysocki, U. of Wollongong+
Terry Percival, CSIRO+
Terry Todd, McMaster U., Canada
Tony Eyers, U. of Wollongong+
Victor Leung, U. of British Columbia, Canada
Wan-jiun Liao, National Taiwan U.
Werasak Kurutach, Mahanakorn U. of Technology, Thailand
Yuri Ismailov, Ericsson, Sweden
Detailed Calls For Papers are available online for:
* ICON [http://www.ee.unsw.edu.au/~icon/cfp.pdf],
* the Workshop [http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~mahbub/WWN/wwn.pdf], and
* tutorials [http://www.ee.unsw.edu.au/~icon/tutorials_call.pdf].
Submission requirements for papers are described on the web page
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the journal
"Computer Communications".
Tim Moors
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW, Australia
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