[e2e] Call for Papers: Mobile Distributed Information Systems on HICSS37
mdis at ipsi.fraunhofer.de
mdis at ipsi.fraunhofer.de
Tue Mar 4 06:28:36 PST 2003
CfP: HICSS-37 Minitrack on Mobile Distributed Information Systems
[Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]
HICSS-37 Minitrack on
Part of the Software Technology Track
at the Thirty-seventh Annual
on the Big Island of Hawaii
January 5 - 8, 2004
Abstracts due: March 31, 2003
Full Papers due: June 1, 2003
Website: http://www.ipsi.fraunhofer.de/mobile/hicss
In today's mobile society, access to relevant information and to context-
specific services "anytime, anywhere" is becoming increasingly important.
Mobile users are often particularly interested in information about and
services in their immediate vicinity, thus Mobile Distributed Information
Systems must address location-dependent distribution of and access to
services and information from mobile devices. In addition to location,
other environmental aspects, such as the user's current situation, topology
and available bandwidth of wireless networks, battery power and
characteristics of mobile devices, are also relevant for determining
information and service requirements. For mobile applications, a dynamic
re-configurable architecture is thus required to support flexible reaction
to changing contexts and seamless operation in foreign environments, with
little or no need for manual reconfiguration. With mobile devices becoming
more and more popular and powerful, communication and cooperation between
mobile users in an ad-hoc manner are strongly desired. Consequently,
the long-established distinction between clients and servers is blurred,
which calls for an extension of the architectural paradigm towards peers
or alternating roles.
This Minitrack will address current topics in the field of
Mobile Distributed Information Systems, such as:
- Location and Situation Aware Information Services: Modeling,
Architectures and Applications
- Network Support for Mobile Access to Services and Information
- Mobile Ad-hoc Networking and Computing
- Provision, Distribution and Management of Services for Mobile
- Directory Services, Service Discovery and Service Brokers
- Middleware for Mobile Distributed Information Systems
- Distributed Databases and Data Management for Mobile Applications
- Peer-to-Peer Computing and Cooperation: Scenarios, Platforms and
- Self-/Zero-/Auto-Configuration, Dynamic Configuration for Mobile
- Mobile Multimedia Systems, QoS for Mobile Information Access
- Management of Groups of Mobile Users
- Mobile Devices: GUIs, Usability and Adaptability
- Location Tracking Technologies
- Security, Privacy and Billing Issues for Mobile Information and
Service Access
- Applications and Case Studies of Mobile Distributed Information
Andreas Meissner Zhou Wang Lars Wolf
Fraunhofer IPSI Fraunhofer IPSI TU Braunschweig
Dolivostrasse 15 Dolivostrasse 15 Mühlenpfordtstraße 23
64293 Darmstadt 64293 Darmstadt 38106 Braunschweig
Germany Germany Germany
{Andreas.Meissner, Zhou.Wang}@ipsi.fhg.de wolf at ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
The Minitrack Website is http://www.ipsi.fraunhofer.de/mobile/hicss
Please email general inquiries to hicss at ipsi.fraunhofer.de
Heribert Baldus, Philips Research, Germany
Andrew T. Campbell, Columbia Univ, USA
Maria F. Costabile, Univ Bari, Italy
Carsten Griwodz, Univ Oslo, Norway
Junzhong Gu, East China Normal Univ, China
Pål Halvorsen, Univ Oslo, Norway
Haiming Huang, Broadstorm, USA
David Hutchison, Lancaster Univ, UK
Jae-Yong Lee, R&D Center of Serome Technology Inc., Korea
Bruce McDonald, Northeastern Univ, USA
Andreas Meissner, FhG IPSI, Germany
Jochen Schiller, Freie Univ Berlin, Germany
Jens Schmitt, Tech Univ Darmstadt, Germany
Wolfgang Schönfeld, FhG IPSI, Germany
Jochen Seitz, Tech Univ Ilmenau, Germany
Zhou Wang, FhG IPSI, Germany
Lars Wolf, Tech Univ Braunschweig, Germany
March 31, 2003 Abstracts submitted for guidance and indication of
appropriate content.
June 1, 2003 Full papers submitted.
August 31, 2003 Acceptance notification sent to authors.
October 1, 2003 Accepted manuscripts sent electronically to the
publisher of the conference proceedings. Authors
must be registered for the conference by this date.
1. Abstracts may be submitted by email to hicss at ipsi.fraunhofer.de as
PDF, Postscript, or RTF documents. Abstracts may also be sent in ASCII
format and are expected to be 300-500 words.
2. Full papers should consist of 22-26 double-spaced pages, including
diagrams. Papers may be theoretical, conceptual or descriptive in nature.
(NOTE: Final papers will be 10 pages, double-column, single-spaced.)
Full papers should be submitted electronically. Please see the Minitrack
Website (http://www.ipsi.fraunhofer.de/mobile/hicss) for the detailed
paper submission instructions.
3. Do not submit the manuscript to individual Minitrack Chairs - use
the above alias instead. Papers should contain original material and
not be previously published, or currently submitted for consideration
4. Each paper must have a title page to include title of the paper,
full name of all authors, and complete addresses including affiliation(s),
telephone number(s), and e-mail address(es).
- Collaboration Systems;
Co-Chair: Jay Nunamaker; E-mail: nunamaker at cmi.arizona.edu;
Co-Chair: Robert O. Briggs; E-mail: bob at GroupSystems.com
- Complex Systems; Chair: Robert Thomas; E-mail: rjt1 at cornell.edu
- Decision Tech. for Management; Chair: Dan Dolk;
E-mail: drdolk at nps.navy.mil
- Digital Documents; Chair: Michael Shepherd; E-mail: shepherd at cs.cal.ca
- Emerging Technologies; Chair: Ralph H. Sprague; E-mail: sprague at hawaii.edu
- Information Technology in Health Care; Chair: William Chismar;
E-mail: chismar at cba.hawaii.edu;
- Internet & the Digital Economy;
Co-Chair: David King; E-mail: dave at comshare.com
Co-Chair: Alan Dennis; E-mail: ardennis at indiana.edu
- Organizational Systems & Tech.; Chair: Hugh Watson;
Email: hwatson at terry.uga.edu
- Software Technology; Chair: Gul Agha; E-mail: agha at cs.uiuc.edu
HICSS conferences are devoted to advances in the information, computer,
and system sciences, and encompass developments in both theory and
practice. Invited papers may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or
descriptive in nature. Submissions undergo a peer referee process and
those selected for presentation will be published in the Conference
Proceedings (IEEE). Submissions must not have been previously published.
For the latest information visit the HICSS web site at:
Ralph Sprague, Conference Chair
Email: sprague at hawaii.edu
Eileen Dennis, Track Administrator
Email: eidennis at indiana.edu
Sandra Laney, Conference Administrator
Email: hicss at hawaii.edu
Hilton Waikoloa Village
on the Big Island of Hawaii
425 Waikoloa Beach Drive
Waikoloa, Hawaii 96738
Tel: 1-808-886-1234
Fax: 1-808-886-2900
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