[e2e] p2p & ad hoc wireless economics

David P. Reed dpreed at reed.com
Sun Mar 23 21:21:15 PST 2003

At 09:38 AM 3/23/2003 +0000, Jon Crowcroft wrote:
>p.s. one obvious use for more accurate secure location based routing would be
>to help US missiles to avoid targetting or hitting RAF planes.

Not firing the missiles in the first place would be an end-to-end solution.

The current war is an attempt to implement a policy at the physical layer 
which can only be defined at the political layer - in terms of 
relationships among people and societies.

In other words, it is like trying to implement QoS by restricting packet 
flows in the central routers.

It rarely works, and usually has disastrous side effects.   Like today's 
US-brass-denied downing of coalition planes. 

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