[e2e] Call For Participation: IWQoS'03

Ion Stoica istoica at cs.berkeley.edu
Wed May 14 11:17:51 PDT 2003

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The 11th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'03)

2-4 June, 2003
Dubletree Hotel, Monterey, California, June 2-4, 2003


  Invited talks:
    - "Micro-Buffered Networks", Rene Cruz (UCSD)
    - "Breaking the Great Internet Deadlock OR Why there isn't any
      Network QoS and what to do about it", Abhay Parekh (ICSI
    - "Go After Challenges", Lixia Zhang (UCLA)

  Panel: "QoS in Demand: Who Needs it Anyway?"
    - Chair: Klara Nahrstedt (UIUC)
      Panelists: Andrew Campbell (Columbia U.), Dave Hartzell (NASA
      Ames), Srinivasan Keshav (Ensim), Jerry Rolia (HP Labs), Harick
      Vin (UT Austin)

  The full program consisting of 27 regular papers is available at

Quality of Service continues to be an active research field,
especially in the networking community.  IWQoS is a successful series
of workshops that aims to provide a forum for the presentation and
discussion of new research and ideas on QoS. Traditionally, IWQoS
workshops are cross-disciplinary and well focused, with the emphasis
on innovation. As a result, a considerable amount of time is devoted
to informal discussion.

In addition to the traditional QoS topics such as service guarantees
and admission control, this year we aimed to expand the scope of the
workshop by encouraging submissions offering research contributions
related to robustness, resilience, security, and predictability in
networking and distributed systems. As a result, the program included
two sessions on availability, fault tolerance, and dependability.  The
other sessions covered routing, resource allocation, storage, Web
services, incentives, and rate based QoS.

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