[e2e] latest spate of cruft postings to e2e

Mark Boolootian booloo at ucsc.edu
Thu Nov 6 19:05:18 PST 2003

> Statistically, it will always take much longer to get a query answered on a
> subscriber-posting-only list compared to an open list. 

The value of this list is in the quality of the posts and the high
signal-to-noise ratio (present email nothwithstanding).  It looks to
me like spam into the list is on the rise, and I see no reason to believe 
that trend is going to reverse.  So there's a trade-off between allowing
anyone to post with the resultant dilution of content, and imposing some
inconvenience and delay to non-subscriber postings.  While I appreciate
the time and enery that Joe Touch has put into maintaining this list,
I think the list itself is more imporant than any individual constituent,
and protecting the integrity of the list ought to take precedent.

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