[e2e] latest spate of cruft postings to e2e

Mark Baugher mbaugher at cisco.com
Wed Nov 12 17:05:28 PST 2003

At least one variant of these schemes, hashcash, is coded and
available for email use (http://www.camram.org/,
http://cypherspace.org/hashcash/).  Odd that the paper did
not cite the work of Dwork and Naor or Back.


At 07:38 AM 11/11/2003, Jon Crowcroft wrote:
>why don't we _implement_ the TCP puzzles[1] scheme?
>once upon a time, this list was full of people that
>coded stuff - we ought to be able to hack up some
>code to do the crypto stuff in any of the mail user
>agents or tools we all use, and freely distribute
>that for all common cases (eudora, ms mail stuff,
>exmh, elm, etc etc whatever) and then a mail server
>side thing that does the hard work....
>[1] The case for TCP/IP puzzles
>Applications, Technologies, Architectures,and
>Protocols for Computer Communication archive
>Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Future
>directions in network architecture
>Karlsruhe, Germany, Pages: 322 - 327
>Year of Publication: 2003
>Author  Wu-chang Feng

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