[e2e] Call for Papers: SIGMETRICS 2004/ Performance 2004

Jason Nieh nieh at CS.COLUMBIA.EDU
Tue Sep 2 08:41:55 PDT 2003

                           Call for Papers

             ******SIGMETRICS 2004/ Performance 2004 ******

                 Joint International Conference on
            Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
        Sponsored by ACM SIGMETRICS and  IFIP Working Group 7.3
                  June 12-16th, 2004, New York, NY

The joint SIGMETRICS/Performance conference solicits papers on the
development and application of state-of-the-art, broadly applicable
analytic, simulation, and measurement-based performance evaluation
techniques.  Of particular interest is work that furthers the
state-of-the-art in performance evaluation methods, or combines
analytic and experimental methods to evaluate design trade-offs in real

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Performance-oriented design and evaluation studies of communication
  networks, Internet servers, computer architectures, database
  systems, operating systems, distributed systems, multimedia systems,
  mobile and handheld systems, file and I/O systems, memory systems,
  real-time systems, and dependable systems, including case studies
  and performance-evaluation tools.

- Performance methodology techniques, algorithms, and tools for
  analytic modeling, system measurement and monitoring, model
  verification and validation, workload characterization, simulation,
  statistical analysis, stochastic modeling including queues,
  stochastic Petri nets, stochastic process algebras, model checking,
  experimental design, reliability and availability analysis, power
  analysis, performance optimizations, and hybrid models.

Submission Guidelines

- Papers: Detailed submission guidelines are available at the
  conference web site.

- Hot Topic Sessions: Proposals are solicited for a hot topic session,
  in which a group of speakers will present and discuss their recent
  results in an area. Send proposals to the program chairs,
  identifying the organizer of the session, the session title, three
  to five speakers, the titles of their talks, and a short abstract of
  each talk.

- Tutorials: A series of tutorials will immediately precede the main
  conference. Send proposals of no more than 1 or 2 pages (for
  90-minute or 3-hour tutorials) to the tutorials chair. Include the
  proposed title, brief description of material, intended audience,
  assumed background of attendees, and the name, affiliation, contact
  information (e-mail and phone), and brief biography of speaker(s).
  Postscript or PDF is preferred.

Important Dates:

November 2, 2003: Paper title, abstract, and author affiliations due.
November 7, 2003: Full papers, tutorials, and hot topic proposals due
                  (HARD deadline, no extensions)
January 29, 2004: Notification of acceptance

For more and up to date information see the conference web site
at: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~sigm2004/.


General Chair:
        E. G. Coffman, Jr. (Columbia University) egc at ee.columbia.edu
Program Co-Chairs:
        Zhen Liu (IBM Research) zhenl at us.ibm.com
        Arif Merchant (HP Labs) arif at hpl.hp.com
Local Arrangement Chair:
        Vishal Misra (Columbia University)  misra at cs.columbia.edu
Tutorials Chair:
        Li Zhang (IBM Research) zhangli at us.ibm.com
Proceedings Chair:
        Yefim Shuf  (IBM Research)  yefim at us.ibm.com
Publicity Chair:
        Jason Nieh (Columbia University)  nieh at cs.columbia.edu
Finance Chair:
        Sambit Sahu (IBM Research)  sambits at us.ibm.com
Web Masters:
        Angelos Stavrou (Columbia University) angelos at ee.columbia.edu
        Hanhua Feng (Columbia University)  hanhua at cs.columbia.edu
Program Committee:
        Ajmone-Marsan, Marco      Politecnico di Torino, Italy
        Baccelli, Francois        ENS, France
        Barford, Paul             U. Wisconsin, USA 
        Bershad, Brian            U. Washington, USA
        Biersack, Ernst           Eurecom, France
        Bonald, Thomas            France Telecom, France
        Borst, Sem                CWI, Netherlands
        Cao, Pei                  Cisco, USA
        Chang, Cheng-Shang        National Tsing Hua Univ. Taiwan
        Chase, Jeff               Duke University, USA
        Cherkasova, Lucy          HP Labs, USA
        de Souza e Silva, Edmundo UFRJ, Brazil
        Douceur, John             Microsoft Research, USA
        Eager, Derek              U Saskatchewan, Canada
        Golubchik, Leana          USC, USA
        Harchol-Balter, Mor       Carnegie Mellon University, USA
        Jean-Marie, Alain         Uni Montpellier, France
        Keeton, Kimberly          HP Labs, USA
        Kumar, Anurag             IISc, India
        Kurose, Jim               Univ. Massachusetts, USA
        Long, Darrell             UCSC, USA
        Lui, John                 Chinese U. of Hong Kong, China
        Mazumdar, Ravi            Purdue University, USA
        Misra, Vishal             Columbia University, USA
        Mitra, Debasis            Bell Laboratories, USA
        Muntz, R.Richard          UCLA, USA
        Nahum, Erich              IBM Research, USA
        Nain, Philippe            INRIA, France
        Nieh, Jason               Columbia University, USA
        Ross, Keith               Brooklyn Poly University, USA
        Sanders, William          UIUC, USA
        Setia, Sanjeev            George Mason Univ., USA
        Shenoy, Prashant          Univ. Massachusetts, USA
        Smirni, Evgenia           College of William & Mary, USA
        Squillante, Mark          IBM Research, USA
        Srikant, Rayadurgam       UIUC, USA
        Towsley, Don              Univ. Massachusetts, USA
        Tripathi, Satish          UC at Riverside, USA
        Verscheure, Olivier       IBM Research, USA
        Vernon, Mary              U Wisconsin-Madison, USA
        Williamson, Carey         University of Calgary, Canada
        Woodside, Murray C.       Carleton University, Canada
        Xia, Cathy                IBM Research, USA
        Yao, David                Columbia University, USA
        Zhang, Zhi-Li             U Minnesota, USA

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