[e2e] Open the floodgate

David P. Reed dpreed at reed.com
Wed Apr 21 11:32:43 PDT 2004

I'd like to offer the following comment, which is intended as constructive 
technical criticism.

The Internet's value is focused on solving a subtle problem - allowing many 
different sets of technical requirements to coexist in a single common 
networking infrastructure resource.   As such, the measure of "optimality" 
for the Internet is its ability to be maximally adaptable to as wide a set 
of uses as possible.   There is no clear evidence that delivering massive 
files between two points is either the best and highest economic use of the 
Internet or a representative sample of the future Internet.

It is well known how to maximize the speed of an unlimited dragster (a 
specialized automobile) on Bonneville salt flats.   Such techniques 
contribute to human knowledge.   They do not, however, address many of the 
key requirements of engineering a universal transportation system; and in 
particular, focusing on such speed does not optimize such things as 
maneuverability, low lifetime maintenance cost, minimizing greenhouse gas 
emissions, etc.

Now getting to TCP flow control and congestion control.   I am as concerned 
as anyone that the current TCP algorithms are not evolving to new 
situations.   However, the situations that I believe we must take into 
account are the newly emerging classes of applications, whatever they may 
be - not just the applications that benchmark well.   Though super-computer 
file transfers are one such case, there are many other, far more diverse 
operating points that it is desirable for the network to concurrently 
support.   Such operating points include very high burst rates where the 
flow lifetime is too short to provide flow-based congestion control, and 
operating points with very high rates of reconfiguration and mobility, 
during the lifetime of a "connection".  But even those are quite simple.

At the same time, the potential to congest the network is not going 
away.   The solution to congestion is coordination algorithms that make 
reasonable and fair decisions in at least two independent dimensions:  how 
to obtain additional capacity where needed, and which traffic to restrain, 
and how to restrain it.   (we almost always tend to neglect the former, 
since we are all poor engineers who live on limited budgets, and are not 
used to having to make investment decisions to deploy new network capacity, 
except in our own homes, where it is cheaper to assume that when we need a 
gigabit LAN, it will come down to the price of today's 100 mbit LAN.  But 
in the arena of transport systems, that turns out to be true as well.   We 
are nowhere near the physical limits of our ability to get bits between two 
points on the earth, and we are deploying capacity at an exponential 
rate).  We almost certainly need such coordination algorithms to be 
completely decentralized and "future proof" in the sense that they can be 
adapted to innovative new uses of the network.

The problem of congestion is not the simple academic theory problem that 
you can solve either by benchmarking Internet2 drag-races or by doing 
papers about session level flow control as if that is all that matters 
(because the only connections that matter are FTPs or WWW transfers - using 
today's applications as if they represent the mid- or long-term future is a 
major research strategy error).

The real research problems around congestion and control are much less 
obvious and much more important.

So improving the startup time of an individual TCP connection (or a few) is 
nice and useful, and worth doing.  But if we let it get in the way of 
seeing through to the really hard problems of managing interactions in an 
ever more complex Internet, then a whole community of researchers is 
wasting its time.   That's what advanced development is about, not systems 

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