[e2e] Open the floodgate

Michael Welzl michael.welzl at uibk.ac.at
Thu Apr 22 22:41:11 PDT 2004

>     > a protocol that believes it needs to slow down whenever it sees a
>     > packet loss.
> Look, we all have known for some time that i) TCP can't currently distinguish
> between error loss and congestion loss, and ii) slowing down for an error loss
> is a mistake.  (In fact, I'm losing horribly these days because my mail is
> kept on a host which is on a network which is losing packets, so I am
> personally aware of this issue.) We're not cretins. You don't need to keep
> repeating it.

So why don't we have separate header/payload checksums in TCP
yet via a header option, as we now have in DCCP?

(Potential problem: no coverage field for the regular checksum
in TCP - so this option would have to redefine the semantics
of the TCP header ... oh well - is that the reason?)


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