[e2e] Does congestion control belong to The Transport Layer?

Saad Biaz biazsaa at eng.auburn.edu
Sun Apr 25 08:08:31 PDT 2004

On Sun, 25 Apr 2004, Marc Herbert wrote:

>  Assuming the above is working, where would you classify this
>  DCCP-like block? Is it part of the implementation of
>  The-Transport-Layer or part of The-Network-Layer?

I would put it in the transport layer for the simple reason that this code
is acting at the end-points only (if I understood you well).

Saad Biaz, Ph.D., Assistant Prof.     Voice: (334) 844 6307
114 Dunstan Hall Auburn University    Fax  : (334) 844 6329
Auburn, AL 36849-5347, USA            http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~sbiaz

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