[e2e] Open the floodgate - back to 1st principles

Cannara cannara at attglobal.net
Sun Apr 25 12:40:01 PDT 2004

Jon, what you say is true for a general-purpose, multi-customer network, like
the Internet or the examples you site.  But, in commercial nets, which now
must use TCP/IP because that's what comes on all the boxes, and allows
Internet/corporate-web access for browsing, there are generally few parallel
sessions running.  So quickly getting up to 100Mb/s or even 1Gb/s is important
for some applications.

An interesting version of TCP was created a few years ago at a large
data-storage-system company here -- essentially, the TCP receive window was
was reduced to Go/No-Go, and startup was modified, so the sending Unix box
would blast to its mirror at full wire rate from the get go.  ACKs would have
meaningless Window values, excepting 0, because sender and receiver had
similar processing/buffering capability.  Loss produced replacement, via
repeated ACKs.  Being LAN-based system overall made all these mods workable. 
But clearly, the engineers involved found normal TCP wanting in the ability to
deliver data on high-speed links.  There are some other local examples, where
for instance, AFS on IP is similarly preferred.


Jon Crowcroft wrote:
> so going back to the original posting  about Yet Another Faster TCP
> (and i recommend people go look at
> http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/faculty/rhee/export/bitcp/bicfaq.htm
> for the technical background),
> it would be nice to think through some of the economics here
> the motive in almost all the Go Faster Stripe TCPs
> is often cited as the time it takes TCP AIMD
> go get up to near line rate on todays ultra-fast networks
> but why are we considering this as very important? how many times does a TCP session
> actually  witness a link with the characteristics cited (and tested against) in the real world, e.g.
> 100ms, 1-10Gbps?, without ANY OTHER sessions present? in the test cases, we often see people spending sometime at
> places like CERN, SLAC, and so forth, waiting for a new optical link to be commissioned, before they get to be
> abler to run their experiment - how long does one have to wait before the link routinely has 100s or 1000s of flows
> on it? at which point why are we trying to get 100% of the capacity in less than the normal time
> another side to this motivational chasm seems to me to be: if we have a really really large file to transfer, does
> it matter if we have to wait 100s of RTTs before we get to near line rate? frankly, if its a matter of a GRID FTP
> to move a bunch of astro, or HEP or genome data, then there's going to be hours if not days of CPU time at the far
> end anyhow, so  a few 10s of seconds to get up to line rate is really neaither here nor there (and there are of
> course more than 1 HEP physicist going to be waiting for LHC data, and more than one genetecist looking at genome
> data, so again, what is the SHARE of the link we are targetting to get to?)?
> so of course then there's the argument that with even fiber optic loss rate, TCP on its own, on
> a truly super duper fast link with sufficient RTT, will never even get to line rate, coz the
> time to get from half rate to full (i.e. 1 packet per rtt, so W/2 RTTs where W = capacity/RTT), is long enough to
> always see a random loss which fools the TCP - this last point is fixed simply by running SACK properly ,and
> admiting there might be merely TWO tcps and random losses, although bursty at the bit level, are hardly likely to
> correlate at the packet level, especially not across the large MTUs we might use on these links.
> [note also none of the Big Science TCP users with these typoes of datarates pretend to have humans at the end
> points -while there are people connecting CAVEs and other VR systems to phsyics simulation systerms, the data rates
> are things we managed to do rather a long time back....usually - often one can move a lot of the computer model to
> the right end of the net to achieve the right mix of throughput/latency even there, too so I am doubtful people
> need more than about 250Mbps that HDTV types ask for)
> So, back to economics - in general, we have a network which is speeding up in all places - in the core it is
> speeding up for 2 reasons
> 1/ number of users-  primary reason I believe
> 1/ access link speed up - secondary (but I could be wrong)
> access links speed up in 2 general ways
> i) we replace site 10baseT with 100baseT with GigE with 10GigE etc -this is really corporate or server side stuff.
> ii) we (on a logistical long time scale) replace individual user lines or SMEs lines with soemthing a bit better
> (modem -> DSL, dialup to cable modem, etc)
> I guess someone will have the historical data on thsi but taking the UK - we were doubling the number of dialup
> users each year, but it took 10 years to go from 0 to 2M DSL lines - so the contribution from raw browser demand
> cannot be nearly as significant as the mere contribution of weight of numbers.
> Hence, going back to the TCP argument above, we might expect the number of TCP sessions on large fat pipes to
> always be high -
> so while there is an increase in the rate TCPs sessions would like to run at, i believe it is much slower overall
> than we are anticipating  - its probably worth being smarter about random losses, but what I am arguing is that we
> should change the concentration of work on highspeed/scalable/fast/bic, to look at the behaviour of large numbers
> of medium speed flows
> back to the physics example - after processing , the total cross section of data from the LHC at CERN is 300Mbps.
> that is NOT hard. in the genome database, a typical search can result in around 300Gbyte of intermediate data
> (sometimes) - however this is usually input to something that takes a few days to process (some protein expression
> model or whatever) - no problem.
> I'd love to see a paper where a 10Gbps link has say 1000 flows of varying duration on it...
> cheers
>    jon

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