[e2e] Does congestion control belong to The TransportLayer?

Jonathan Stone jonathan at dsg.stanford.edu
Mon Apr 26 14:03:46 PDT 2004

In message <Pine.GSO.4.58.0404261301540.26762 at flame.cs.columbia.edu>Ping Pan writes

>We have just developed the GigE interface on a SONET switch. As we start
>to test with other vendors, we noticed the following:
>1. Ethernet Pause is nothing but a whining mechanism. It does not control
>congestion (such as dropping etc.).
>2. Most of the vendors do seem to respond (such as slowing down) to Pause
>frames anyway. ;-)
>- Ping


Could you explain a little, please?

I've read your message three or four times, and each reading still
suggests that you'd developed a Gig-E interface for a SONET switch;
whilst being unaware of certain elementary aspects of the behaviour of
current, commercial, off-the-shelf, Gig-E.  (Specifically, of 802.3x.)

I must be missing something. Could you please fill in a little of the
background of this project, so the missing pieces become more apparent?


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