[e2e] Does congestion control belong to The TransportLayer?

RJ Atkinson rja at extremenetworks.com
Tue Apr 27 04:00:11 PDT 2004

On Apr 27, 2004, at 01:23, Ping Pan wrote:
> Where can I get the "commercial", "off-the-shelf" GigE ports that run 
> at line rate on 20G line-cards on a core switch?

Apologies for the commercial, but we sell these (e.g. BD 10800).  So do
several of our competitors.  Additionally, I'd not be surprised to hear
that at least credible 2 vendors of large routers could also do this
(more or less, depending on how much layer-2 feature set is desired
from the core router).

>> I must be missing something. Could you please fill in a little of the
>> background of this project, so the missing pieces become more 
>> apparent?
> Supercomm in the summer. Ciena booth. (Shameless selling ;-))

None of your reply speak to Jonathan's, quite reasonable IMHO,

rja at extremenetworks.com

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