[e2e] "PMTUD using options" draft

David P. Reed dpreed at reed.com
Thu Feb 12 21:37:23 PST 2004

At 08:06 PM 2/12/2004, Christian Huitema wrote:
>But as Lloyd points out, there are quite a few routers

Why make these arguments based on hunches when one can measure this 

>out there that
>cannot process the options in real time.

"real time" means what?   I don't think you mean 24 hour delays...

>Maybe they are using inferior
>and obsolete technology, but there is a good chance that there will be
>one such router on any given path.

If this were true, which I highly doubt, it would imply that the set of 
such routers is distributed throughout the net in a configuration with very 
low entropy.   That's proof of an intelligent, purposeful designer, who 
wants to make sure that every optionated packet will encounter uniform 
friction, isotropically from every point to every other one.

More likely such routers are concentrated in clumps...

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