[e2e] "PMTUD using options" draft

Jon Crowcroft Jon.Crowcroft at cl.cam.ac.uk
Fri Feb 13 14:05:26 PST 2004

sense of  humour failure detection alert

btwe my laptop can run incremental dijkstra on 
the internet abo ut    once evey 10 sec and ita an old ibook

perhaps cisco should invest in apple
In missive <Pine.GSO.4.50.0402131932490.3386-100000 at argos.ee.surrey.ac.uk>, Lloyd Wood typed:

 >>On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Jon Crowcroft wrote:
 >>> routers that send anything to a "central" processor are going to
 >>> have a backplane or switch hotspot/bottleneck problem as well as a
 >>> cpu problem and are out of the ark designs/dinosaurs for sure....
 >>These days, laptops are multihomed - supporting multiple wired and
 >>wireless links. But everything goes to a central processor, and
 >>so laptops are out-of-the-ark dinosaurs as far as routing goes.
 >>I do hope nobody is proposing routing research based around using
 >>laptops for e.g. adhoc mesh communication. Or peer-to-peer systems
 >>based on these obviously dinosaur general-purpose computers.
 >><http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/><L.Wood at eim.surrey.ac.uk>



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