[e2e] MRTG data at Berkeley

bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com
Wed Oct 13 18:30:54 PDT 2004

 suggest you direct your query to the UCB campus networking staff.


On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 08:32:24PM -0400, qiw3 at lehigh.edu wrote:
> Dear all: 
> I am working on network bandwidth measurement and would like to know how to 
> get real time MRTG data log of Berkeley's campus network. We have collected 
> Lehigh's campus network MRTG data (requires an Lehigh account to access) and 
> the Internet-2 MRTG data (free online at internet-2). In order to get the end-
> to-end MRTG information, Berkeley's MRTG is highly desired. We have an 
> collaborator at Berkeley but don't know where to find the data. If MRTG is 
> accessable to an Berkeley's account, we really appreciate if anyone can tell 
> us how to find the data. 
> Thanks, 
> Qiang Wang
> Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
> Lehigh University
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