[e2e] TCP fragmentation and reassembly

Zhani Mohamed Faten zhani_med_faten at yahoo.fr
Tue Dec 6 11:16:51 PST 2005

  I am sorry for the information I wrote below, it concerns IP header rather than TCP one,
  Zhani Mohamed Faten <zhani_med_faten at yahoo.fr> a écrit :

  the TCP header contain all information needed for reassambling paquet; these are the important fields :
        •ID (16 bits): use! d to identify datagram (the same for all fragments of one original datagram)

    •the Flag in the TCP header means :
  –001: there is more fragments
  –000: this the last fragment
  –O1X: do not fragment
  the  •FO (15 bit ): Fragment offset  : means the –Position of the fragment in the original datagramme .     –it is null for the first fragment = O

  using these filds TCP can reassemble paquets

Erwin Davis <erwin.davis at gmail.com> a écrit :

Packet from application layer may be framed in TCP layer based on MSS (maximum segment size, not MTU in IP layer) negotiated between two TCP layers of the end parties. My question is if the TCP layer in receiving side will reassemble the TCP fragments before it forward the packet to the application layer. If yes, then how the TCP layer in receiving side knows how many TCP fragments are made up for this one application packet. If not, will it require the intelligence from the application layer for the application packet reassembly. Thanks for your help,


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