[e2e] Question about RFC 2581

Mark Allman mallman at icir.org
Wed Jan 5 06:41:45 PST 2005

> if acknowledgment means a *segment* transmitted by a receiver that
> indicates successfully recieved segments, then it is indeed more
> aggressive because (2) is used for each ACK segment, not for each
> transmitted segment that has been successfully received.

Ah, so, I see that.  But, it is only more aggressive if the receiver
transmits more ACK packets than segments being ACKed (i.e., cwnd
segments), right?  (E.g., one can envision this happening in
bi-directional transfers.)

In any case, the document needs cleaned up.  Sorry about all the



Mark Allman -- ICIR -- http://www.icir.org/mallman/

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