[e2e] Skype and congestion collapse.

DJamel H. Sadok jamel at cin.ufpe.br
Mon Mar 7 09:14:47 PST 2005

IMHO, it does not anymore make a lot of sense to penalyze "low" bandwidth 
applications such as skype/voip/.. by applying TCP-like congestion control 
or access control schemes. Such mechanisms are better used on heavy 
hitters such as some P2P multimedia transfers. Even when many instances of 
voice sessions for example are made at the access network/loop. If this is 
not going to be a problem at this side of the network (fisrt/last mile), 
it can hardly cause problems within overprovisioned backbones.

Most P2P heavy applications are end-to-end (generated by residential 
users) and therefore would not be capable of occupying high bandwidth 
(Mbps! any numbers that suggest otherwise!!) network share although they 
often transfer large amounts of data.

We need traffic to justify giga-networks hopefully all the way to the 
local loop. There has been a great deal of work on protocol adaptation and 
congestion control with little actual use.

P2P applications allow a user to specify her uplink and downlink bandwidth 
capacities. That is more than is needed in terms of congestion control of
course when using the underlying TCP.


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