[e2e] doub regarding handling socket write errors

MEENA SELVAM meena_selvam at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 16 10:36:14 PDT 2005

In one of the socket tutorials, , it was mentioned
when socket write errors are involved, perror can be
called and the program can be exited.

I also read when a system call fails, the progra will

In my situation, I have a main program which creates
threads. If socket write error happens in the sub
threads, I do not want to exit the main program,
basically I need to reconnect to the server when
socket write/read error happens.

so what should I do?

is there a signal that is generated upon a socket
write error? Should I catch that signal and try to
reconnect instead of exiting. How can I handle socket
write errors in my own way?



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