[e2e] Spurious Timeouts in mobile wireless networks, was: Re: Retransmission Timouts revisited

Wesley Eddy weddy at grc.nasa.gov
Thu Sep 1 08:05:13 PDT 2005

On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 05:01:15PM +0200, Francesco Vacirca wrote:
> maybe this is due to the fact that different 3G networks have different 
> terminal population (mobile terminal and data cards) with different TCP 
> implementations.

I think this is probably the case.  The differences in observation are
probably due much more to the network's configuration than the TCP
implementation.  Whether the user is stationary or mobile between towers
also makes a big difference in what kinds of problems are prevalent.


Wesley M. Eddy
Verizon FNS / NASA GRC
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