[e2e] opening multiple TCP connections getting popular

Joe Touch touch at ISI.EDU
Fri Aug 31 16:14:32 PDT 2007

Abraham Matta wrote:
>> The transport layer isn't the crux of that problem - 
>> it's all the other layers for which we don't agree 
>> how to proceed yet.
>> Joe
> Good point. I know of an upcoming book "Patterns of Protocols:
> Rethinking Network Architecture" by JOHN DAY (Publisher: Pearson) that
> offers some ideas on what a "layer" is and should do, which draws on the
> IPC OS model and has an interesting historical perspective on how we
> neglected fundamental problems like multihoming, etc. for long. I
> believe the book should come out soon this fall.

FWIW, we have some investigations along the general line of "what is a
layer" overall too:

But "what is a layer" isn't the point I was trying to make. Even if we
stick to the 7-layer cake, the question of fairness needs to include how
flows at each layer are aggregated, and what a 'group' is. I explored
this a little in RFC2140, but not to the extent that it needs to be
addressed here before a true solution can be applied.


Joe Touch                Sr. Network Engineer, USAF TSAT Space Segment
               Postel Center Director & Research Assoc. Prof., USC/ISI

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