[e2e] CFP: NetEcon+IBC 2007

Ratul Mahajan ratul at microsoft.com
Sun Mar 4 10:51:26 PST 2007

on behalf of the organizing committee, i am pleased to announce the NetEcon+IBC 2007 workshop which focuses on the increasingly important area of the role of incentives in networked systems. this workshop combines the workshop on the Economics of Networked Systems (NetEcon) and the workshop on Incentive-Based Computing (IBC), two successful venues from previous years. it will be a discussion-oriented workshop that will bring together a diverse set of interested researchers. i would like to encourage you to submit your work and participate in the workshop. the cfp is appended below.


NetEcon+IBC 2007

Joint Workshop on The Economics of Networked Systems and Incentive-Based Computing

URL: http://netecon-ibc.si.umich.edu

The emergence of the Internet as a global platform for computation and communication has sparked the development and deployment of many large-scale distributed systems. Often, these systems involve multiple stakeholders with divergent or even competing interests. Unmitigated selfish behavior in these systems can lead to high inefficiency or even complete collapse. There has been an increasing interest in applying economic and game-theoretic principles to help analyze and design such systems.

The NetEcon+IBC Workshop aims to promote a cross-disciplinary discussion on the role of incentives in computational and communication systems. It will bring together researchers from a diverse set of areas including systems, theory, distributed computing, artificial intelligence, and economics. NetEcon+IBC 2007 will be held in conjunction with the 2007 ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'07) which is part of the 2007 Federated Computer Research Conference (FCRC'07). In the spirit of FCRC, the workshop combines two successful workshops from previous years: the workshop on the Economics of Networked Systems (NetEcon) and the Workshop on Incentive-Based Computing (IBC).

We invite submissions of technical or position papers on topics related to the goals of the workshop. Submissions should be at most 6 pages in length with 10pt fonts or larger. Additional information (such as proofs) may be included in a clearly marked appendix, which will be read at the discretion of the the referees. Papers will be selected based on both technical merit and their potential to spark discussion at the workshop. Accepted papers will be published on the workshop website.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 - Potential roles of economics in networks: analysis, design, or just a
 - Application of incentive mechanisms for peer-to-peer systems, grids,
   SPAM, security, Internet routing and peering, wireless networks, etc.
 - Methods for engineering incentives and disincentives (e.g., reputation,
   trust, control, accountability, and anonymity, etc.)
 - Empirical studies of strategic or non-strategic behavior in existing
 - Incentive mechanisms for scheduling, resource allocation, and computation
 - Models and solution concepts (e.g., evolutionary games, repeated games,
   cooperative games, etc.)
 - Algorithmic mechanism design and distributed protocols based on markets
   or auctions
 - Experimental methodologies for testing incentive schemes
 - Privacy-preserving incentive mechanisms
 - What systems researchers think theoreticians should do, and vice versa?

Important Dates
 Deadline for paper submission     March 26, 2007
 Notification of acceptance        April 30, 2007
 Deadline for camera-ready papers  May 21, 2007
 Workshop date                     Jun 11, 2007

Program Commitee

Vincent Conitzer, Duke University
John Douceur, Microsoft Research
Michal Feldman, Hebrew University
Daniel Grosu, Wayne State University (co-chair)
Ramesh Johari, Stanford University
Ratul Mahajan, Microsoft Research (co-chair)
Herve Moulin, Rice University
Tim Roughgarden, Stanford University
Rahul Sami, University of Michigan (co-chair)
Alex Snoeren, University of California at San Diego
Paul Spirakis, Computer Technology Institute
Xiaowei Yang, University of California at Irvine

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